Shop with us in Newport RI, during The Newport Show, and The Newport Flower Show (which we have participated in about 20 years). We are where everything is, Bowen’s Wharf, open daily.
Participating in approximately 1500, antiques shows and other events, over 30 years has been a fun run! Only a few more are ahead, since we opened a Gallery in Newport RI.
We have focused on history, geography & nature. All are decorative antique prints, over 100 years old, in the form of: antique lithographs & hand-colored engravings.
Have fun shopping with us, as you learn about nature & history from us, at the Connecticut Flower & Garden Show | Feb 23-25, 2024 |Hartford CT Convention Center
Visit our permanent antiques show: Gallery in Newport RI.
Visit Anne Hall Antique Prints and Old Maps Gallery. Located at the Anchor of Newport RI, on Historic Bowen’s Wharf. Not only is our highly specialized antiques shop, filled with extraordinarily printed antiques, it is located, in the best scenic location in Newport RI. Our rare prints gallery is open when the flag is out, and on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Anne Hall Antique Prints – Google Maps

The best place to buy decorative antique prints, is to shop in-person. You can at an interesting event we do, including festivals, antique shows and other events. You will enjoy buying from our museum quality collection, of natural history prints. They are originals from the 17th-19th centuries. It is a unique opportunity to buy art with history, at good prices.
Yes, going to antiques shows can be very fun and entertaining. You can buy and learn about antiques and see many unusual items. Some are vintage and not too old. Others are antiques & are over 100 years old, some are centuries old. Many antiques have interesting histories and provenance, that a good dealer can provide you with.
The word “Brimfield” generally refers to the giant 6 day, antiques shopping festival held each May, July & September, in a bucolic& quintessential New England town in Western Massachusetts. While it possesses a unique zip code of 01010, it hosts the world-famous Brimfield Antiques Shows, or Brimfield Flea. At the market, you can find everything from treasures to trash. There are loads of booths of full of quality antiques over 100 years old. Other dealers specialize in vintage which is not very old in comparison. Others sell repurposed, vintage clothing & some even deal in junk.
Located in New England, about 1 hour North of Hartford CT, and 90 miles West of Boston MA. Up to 5000 dealers. Walkable, there are 20 fields of shows. The festival is 6 days. Paid parking, free & paid shows, (some do not allow pets). It is all outdoors, and weather can be intense. Food trucks & a winery make it tasty day at the show.
Antiques Shows and Other Events – 2023
- Brimfield Antiques Shows | May July & September| Shelton Antiques Shows | With our new venue, an Antique Prints & Maps Gallery in Newport, now it is almost impossible to get away to do Brimfield Antiques Shows but we will be at May’s Antique Shows Sept. 7 & 8, 1st booth on your right when entering the show.
- Osterville Museum Antiques Show | Thursday August 17, 2023 10-3pm | Osterville Historical Society – Google Maps
- Newport Flower Show | June 23-25, 2023| Marble House Mansion | Marble House – Google Maps
Past shows & in-person shopping events.
Are you shopping for vintage prints? Our antiques shop is open, at antique shows and other events, and at our Gallery in Newport Rhode Island. Buy & see vintage engravings & lithographs, over 100 years old, like you have never seen before, when you shop in-person. If you cannot make an event, go antiques shopping online with us, and feel like you are shopping at a show!
If you are interested, we will give some ideas in putting together, sets of antique lithographs and hand-colored engravings. Anne may offer archival professional picture framing, at reasonable prices. Get help picking a perfect set for your decorating project.
August 20 ~ Falmouth MA Goosefare Antiques & Promotions, 10-4
August 18 Osterville, MA Antiques Show at the Osterville Museum, 10-3
Sept 6-11 ~ Brimfield MA ~ Shelton Antique Shows opposite Brimfield Winery, 2nd row off Route 20, 7-5 Oct 8 & 9 ~ Rhinebeck NY Antiques Shows | Barn Star Productions, 10-5, 10-4
Nov 12 & 13 ~ Needham MA Goosefare Antiques & Promotions 10-4
Nov 19 & 20 ~ Kimberton PA Chester County Antique Show 10-5. 10-4
Cancelled Feb 2-5 ~ Cape Canaveral FL Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival (
Cancelled Feb 17-20 ~ Charleston SC Southeastern Wildlife Exposition | (
Feb 24-27 ~ Hartford CT Connecticut Flower and Garden Show (
Cancelled March 19-20 ~ Kimberton PA Chester County Antique Show
March 26 & 27 ~ Hingham MA Goosefare Antiques & Promotions
May 10-15 ~ Brimfield MA ~ Shelton Antique Shows, opposite Brimfield Auction Acres & Winery, 2nd row off Route 20, 7-5
Cancelled May 28 & 29 ~ Rhinebeck NY Antiques Shows | Barn Star Productions
Cancelled July 4th ~ South Salem NY Antiques & Artisans | Debbie Turi Antique Shows
Cancelled July 9th ~ Boothbay ME Goosefare Antiques & Promotions
July 12-17 ~ Brimfield MA ~ Shelton Antique Shows, opposite Brimfield Winery, 2nd row off Route 20, 7-5
Cancelled July 23-24 ~ Camden ME Goosefare Antiques & Promotions
Cancelled July 30th ~ New London NH Goosefare Antiques & Promotions
Cancelled August 12 & 13 ~ Union Maine Maine Antiques Festival
Cancelled August 13 & 14 ~ Kennebunk ME Goosefare Antiques & Promotions
Cancelled August 20th ~ South Yarmouth MA Goosefare Antiques & Promotions

Come antiques shopping, at antique shows and other events. Feast your eyes on & buy from exquisite collections, of fine antique prints, over 100 years old. We focus on nature. See our art gallery, which honors nature & history. Join us, because the festivals we do, are so fun to be apart of.
Estimated reading time: 26 minutes
2022 Scheduled & Cancelled: Festivals, Antique Shows and Other Events
This is a list of scheduled festivals, antique shows and other events, for Anne Hall Antique Prints, for 2022. When you come to a show and see us, you can buy in person from our mobile antiques shop! Not just vintage, all of our antique lithographs & hand-colored engravings, are over 100 years old. The venues are varied. Furthemore some are specialized events. So come to an exciting, shopping event. Enjoy my booth with an in depth, collection of nature related, decorative antique prints. They are all over 100 years old!
Cancelled Morristown Armory, Antiques & Design Show, January 15-16 2022
Sadly, the Morristown Antiques Show will not be taking place on January 15 and 16th 2022.
Cancelled North West Flower & Garden Show or NWFGS, Seattle Washington, February 9-13 2022
Sorry I cannot attend the NWFGS, in Seattle February 9-13 2022. One of the best flower shows in America! Learn from speakers and tour displays with expert gardeners, while they share their knowledge and concepts. Northwest Flower & Garden Festival
South Eastern Wildlife Exposition or SEWE, February 17-20 2022, Charleston, South Carolina
South Eastern Wildlife Exposition SEWE. Find me at SEWE 2022. I will bring my antiques store with me. See it in the Gaillard Center 2022. There you will find great antique lithographs hand-colored engravings of birds and wildlife, in Charleston, South Carolina.
Connecticut Spring Flower & Garden Show Hartford, Feb 24-27 2022
Come to Hartford, CT and go antiques shopping in my booth. Feast your eyes on our, nature-related, antique lithographs and hand-colored lithographs. They are over 100 years old. Daily Thursday through Sunday. Learn from experts in their fields. The Connecticut Spring Flower & Garden Show
Hingham MA 33rd Annual Antiques Show, March 26-27 2022
We will be in Hingham Massachusetts, for the 33rd Hingham Antiques Show. Held at the Hingham Middle School, March 26-27, 2022. 11-5 Saturday and 11-4 Sunday.
Kerr Museum Antiques Show, Oakmont PA March 25-27 2022
Sorry I cannot be attend… March 25-27 2022 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the Oakmont Antique Show. It is the best antiques shopping in the region. Feast your eyes on Anne Hall Antique Prints collection of decorative antique prints, of animals, birds and flowers. This is an important frund raiser for the Kerr Museum, a small museum with a rich history, learn more.
We sell our decorative antique prints at exciting venues.
We sell our decorative antique prints at exciting venues. Sometimes these events are antiques shows, where history is alive. Other shows may be animal or bird related. So come to an in-person experience! You will have fun shopping at Anne Hall Antique Prints. We are an awesome, mobile art gallery, where nature made history.
2021 In-Person Antiques Shopping, for Fine Antique Prints, Over 100 Years Old.
Our specialized antiques store, features some of the best decorative antique prints, ever published. Find us at American antique shows and other events. Shop for nature related art, like you have never seen before. Choose from loose plates, and framed sets of antique lithographs engravings. Beautiful to look at, and rich with history. Our prints are over 100 years old. Some are 350 years old. Join us for fun, in 2021!
Past Antique Shows and Other Events:

These fun & exciting, antiques shopping events already took place:
Find Anne Hall Antique Prints at Kimberton, PA. (Philadelphia Metro). Show Dates November 20-21, 2021.
Shop Anne Hall Antique Prints, for fine antique prints, over 100 years old. Located at the Kimberton Fire Hall, in Phoenixville PA, near Brandywine and 28 miles NW of Philadelphia. Feast your eyes, on the best collections of antique lithographs, hand-colored engravings you have ever seen. She will help you find the right art. Come take a look see and have fun at the same time at this great show. Booth 60 in the Fairgrounds Building, 9-5 sat, 11-4 sun.
November 14th 2021 marks the Needham MA Antiques Show & Sale.
November 14th 2021 is the Annual Needham Antiques Show & Sale in Needham MA. The event offers varied antiques shopping. Choose a set of decorative antique prints, lithographs & engravings, all over 100 years old.
November 28th 2021 is the “Thanksgiving Sunday Antiques Show” in Marlborough, MA.
We will be having a mobile antiques shop at the Thanksgiving Sunday Antique Show. Held one day only Sunday, November 28 from 10-3. Go antiques shopping at this quick pick for 5 hours only. This is a long running Gurley Antiques Show. There will be all kind of antiques. Including American, primatives and more. At this pop up antiques shop or show, you will learn as you buy.
October 27 – November 7, 2021, Anne Hall Antique Prints, is at the National Horse Show, Lexington, KY
10/30/2021, Sorry I will not be able to exhibit at the NHS. This is a last minute cancellation, due to extenuating circumstances. I was bringing a stunning display you would have loved, and hope you will be interested in seeing more online at I will be posting my display on many pages. Thank you, and my sincere apologies for any disappointment this caused. Watch it NHS Live | National Horse Show

What is happening along the Hudson River, October 9 and 10, 2021? It is the Rhinebeck Antiques Fair!
Find me in buiding C, booth 104. Attend one of the finest antiques shows in America on October 9 & 10 2021. Drive along the Hudson River. Sight see in the charming town of Rhinebeck New York, where the show is. Find me in Building 1. At this show you can find great antiques dealers. And see decorative antique prints, of animals, birds, flowers, sea-life and equestrian material, in my booth. Our collections are bar none. Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-4. With exception quality, this is a Barnstar Promotion.
Shelton Antiques Shopping/Shows at Brimfield
Every May, July and September you will find our in-depth, world-class collection of antique prints & maps at Shelton Antique Shows. Anne Hall’s cell at the show is 413-245-4197. Google Map Link
What is happening on Cape Cod September 2nd 2021? A New Thursday Antiques Show & Sale in Osterville
Come to this new and exciting antiques pop-up event, at the Cape Cod Academy, 50 Osterville West Barnstable Road.. The hours are 1 day only, from 10-3, so arrive early to shop for the best decorative antique prints in America!
Where is the best antiques shopping around the Delaware River Region?
Where is the best antiques shopping around the Delaware River Region? At the New Castle Battery Park, 1 day: Sunday August 29th 2021. Shop for antiques, ocean related, decorative antique prints, and more when you attend this one day event, drawing American dealers from around the North East. This is a Dordy Fontinel Antiques Show. Battery Park. Hours are short, just 9-4, so don’t miss out, and arrive early. Find our amazing collection under the big top.

Where is the best boutique antiques shopping on Cape Cod? At a pop up show August 21st 2021!
Attend the Mid Cape Barnstable Antiques Show. The event will take place, 10-4, at the Mid Cape Tennis Club. 193 White’s Path South Yarmouth, Cape Cod!
Did you vacation in the Lake Sunapee area, July 31st 2021? We were at the New London Historical Society Antiques Show!
Come shop and buy antiques in the Lake Sunapee area. Shop with one of the leading, American antique prints dealers, nature based collections in many price ranges. We have wildlife, animals, birds, fish and shell prints, one hundred to 350 years old. Our in depth collection of garden related prints will impress everyone. New London Antiques Show & Sale, location: 179 Little Sunapee Road (Route114).
The Boothbay Harbor Antique Show rocked Maine July 10th 2021.
Be sure to make it to the Boothbay Common in July, next year. John & Elizabeth DeSimone of Goosefare Antiques Shows, do a great job for a pretty show of diverse items with many good dealers.
A fantastic antiques show happened July 4th 2021, in South Salem NY.
Come shop an incredible collection of, decorative antique prints, nature based, and over 100 years old. Find us at this long running antiques show. One day only, 10-4. 8 Shady Lane South Salem NY. This is a Debbie Turi Antiques Show Promotion.
UCHS happened, June 7-13 2021, in Upperville Faquier County Virginia
Find me and my beautiful display at the Upperville Colt and Horse Show, under the oaks, Monday-Saturday, and Sunday with the Hunters. I will be exhibiting daily from 10-4, on Monday June 7 through Sunday June 13th. An exciting shopping opportunity, to buy decorative antique prints, in the Washington D.C. region. Growing up on Mackinac Island, Anne has an affinity for all kinds of horses. Shop her horse and pony show.
There was exceptional antiques shopping, in Rhinebeck New York, May 29-30 2021.
Experience Barn Star’s Spring Rhinebeck Antiques Show. This Memorial Dar Weekend, May 29 2021 (Saturday 10-5), May 30 2021 (Sunday 11-4). Held at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds, Google Map. This is a socially distanced event.
In our booth, you will be able to see what we have been working on. Beautiful, sets of decorative antique prints, framed & unframed, antique lithographs hand-colored engravings, over 100 years old. After shopping for outstanding antiques, stop by the Beekman Arms for bite to eat, a 18th century tavern. Just to make you hungry, here is their dinner menu.
Brimfield Antique Shows | Shop | Brimfield Auction Acres: May 12-15, 2021
Are you ready for Brimfield Antiques Shows in May 2021? We will be exhibiting on Brimfield Auction Acres, New Date: MAY 12-15 2021. Wednesday-Saturday 7am-4pm. Free Admission. This American, antiques shopping experience, is known all over the world. There are many acres to socially distance on. *ALL COVID GUIDELINES IN PLACE *Face Masks Required. Website: Brimfield Auction Acres (formerly J&J) Google Maps: 35 MAIN ST. BRIMFIELD MA 01010 Normally we set up across the street at Shelton Antique Shows.
Cancelled Antique Shows and Other Events, due to the Pandemic
The following shows were cancelled due to the Pandemic:
Cancelled due to COVID: August 19 2021, Osterville Museum Antiques Show.
Join us at the Osterville Museum Antiques Show, on Thursday August 19th on the museum grounds from 9-3. Osterville is on beautiful Cape Cod Massachusetts.
CANCELLED!!! Great antiques shopping in Maine: Maine Antiques Festival | August 6-8 2021
Find me inside the indoor building. See the most incredible selection of nature related antique lithographs and hand colored engravings August 6-8 2021. Come in Maine for excellent antiques shows and other events. Experience the Maine Antiques Festival. Find our world class collections of antique prints, framed sets, and even E.A. Seguy Butterflies.
Cancelled, August 28 2021, Falmouth Antique Show – Cape Cod
Join us in our mobile antiques shop, from 10-4 on August 28th 2021, for the 50th Falmouth Antique Show & Sale. Held on the beautiful museum grounds of the Falmouth Historical Society Cape Cod, MA.
Cancelled July 4th 2021, Annual Antiques Show, Tiverton Four Corners Rhode Island
Please join us for the The Tiverton 4 Corners 4TH of July Antiques Show. Find out more about Four Corners.
Boutique is cancelled: Newport Flower Show, Rhode Island June 18-20 2021.
Find the best antique lithographs-hand colored engravings from a nature focused American antique prints dealer in Newport, Rhode Island June 18-20, 2021 at the most stunning Flower Show in the world. Join us for the Newport Flower Show. This year’s theme is “Voices in the Garden.” Rosecliff is part of an enormous preservation effort Newport Mansions. Visit my booth oceanside to see my tantalizing collection of decorative antique prints. Just come down the stairs and turn right. See you at the party?
Top Antiques Shopping, Close to New York City in Morristown, New Jersey. April 25-26, 2020.
Visit a top Antiques Show Close to New York City in Morristown, New Jersey April 25 & 26, 2020. Held at the Morristown Armory, antiques dealers come from all over America to participate in this show. Shop for antiques at the best show in the region, only held twice a year. Antiques shopping at it’s best! This is a Barn Star Production. Morristown is the home of the famous American cartoonist Thomas Nast with the great collection of his work at Mucculloch Hall Historical Museum.
You missed my antiques shop at Ephemera 40, March 28-29, 2020 Greenwich, CT
See Anne Hall’s amazing collection of antique natural history lithographs March 28-29, 2020 at Ephemera 40, Old Greenwich, CT.
March 21-22, 2020 at the Hingham Antiques Show, MA
Find wonderful nature & ocean based antique lithographs March 21-22, 2020 at the Hingham Antiques Show, MA. Hingham Antique Show March 2020. March 21-22, 2020. Shop the show then shop from Anne Hall’s collection of antique lithographs and hand colored engravings of natural history topics like you have never seen before. Close to Boston.
Pittsburgh, PA at the 16th Oakmont Antique Show March 13-15, 2020
Near Pittsburgh, PA, you will find The Kerr Museum in which this event directly benefits from. Experience perhaps the most unusual antiques show and other events for antiques shopping. Held in the stunning Oakmont Country Club outside Pittsburgh, PA, this is the only event that the general public is allowed entrance into this exclusive famous location. Outstanding dealers from across the country.
Additional pandemic cancellations:
See my, amazing collection of fish, at The New York City Antiques Show, January 20-21, 2021. See my amazing collection of 18th century fish engravings which are featured at The New York Antiques Show virtual slider. Then shop on my website and call for help with your decorating project. I will help you create a jaw dropping collection of antique lithographs and hand-colored engravings of your own. See my Bloch antique prints of fish
Boston Shriner’s Holiday Antiques Show December 5 & 6, 2020
Antiques shopping at Barnstar’s Fall Antiques Show in Morristown, NJ
Sorry you won’t find Anne Hall Antique Prints in Needham, MA Antiques Show & Sale Needham High, November 8, 2020
Antiques shopping Barn Star’s Fall Rhinebeck Antiques Show, New York at the Fairgrounds October 10 & 11, 2020
Cancelled! Upperville, Virginia September 14-20, 2020.
Find Anne October 1-3, 2020 at the Weston, Vermont Antiques Show
Sorry you won’t find us in Portland Maine this September. The Maine Antiques Expo at Thompson’s Point
Plan to see Anne at Fall Brimfield, MA Sept 8-13, 2020 at Shelton Antique Shows everyday!
Falmouth Historical Society Antiques Show & Sale on Cape Cod, MA August 22, 2020
Osterville Museum Antiques Show, at the Museum Cape Cod, MA Thursday August 13, 2020
Kennebunk, Maine Antiques Show at the Middle School, August 8 & 9, 2020
Antiques shows and other events in Union near Camden Maine Antiques Festival July 31-August 1 & 2, 2020
Antique Prints Shopping at Summer Brimfield, MA July 13-19, 2020 Shelton Antique Shows daily!
Find my antiques store July 13 through July 19, 2020 at the first ever Summer BRIMFIELD ONLINE & LIVE, but it ends Sunday night! Since you can’t find us at antique shows and other events now, shop for antique lithographs, engravings on our website & get personalized service from Anne Hall when you call 413-245-4197.
Newport Flower Show June 18-21, 2020 Oceanside at Rosecliff Mansion
June 13th Orleans Antiques Show on beautiful Cape Cod
Shop my unique, pop-up antiques shop in Upperville, Virginia June 1-7, 2020
April 3, 4 & 5, 2020 see Anne Hall Antique Prints at the Mendham Antiques Show New Jersey
Pre-Pandemic, Past Antiques Shopping Events from “the” Mobile Antiques Shop
Learn from Anne while you shop our world class nature based antique lithographs and hand colored engravings in Seattle, Washington
Northwest Flower & Garden Festival Anne Hall Antique Prints Booth 2153 February 26-March 1, 2020
You missed the Best Antiques Shop in Hartford, at the Connecticut Flower & Garden Show February 2020
Come to Hartford, CT and shop our antique lithographs and hand colored lithographs daily Thursday through Sunday. Learn from experts in their fields! The Connecticut Spring Flower & Garden Show
74th Annual Glen Ridge Antiques Show, New Jersey
Sorry you missed the oldest continuously running antiques show in America, the Glen Ridge Antiques Show is held in beautiful Glen Ridge, a sort of a fairy tail town close to New York City. Held on Friday & Saturday at the Glen Ridge Congregational Church. It is a charity fundraiser for important local groups.
Shop the New England Holiday Antiques Show! December 7-8, 2019 in Wilmington, MA.
Complete your holiday shopping! Experience the largest event of this kind in the Boston Region December 7 & 8, 2019! This is the 21st Holiday Antiques, Vintage & Decorative Arts Show. See others then see me, and my extraordinary antique prints this weekend only. Mention this reference “MG” and receive a special deal on antique lithographs. Held at the Shriner’s Auditorium. Hours Sat 10-5, Sun 11-4.
Shopping in San Francisco, California Treasure Fest November 23-24, 2019
Anne Hall Antique Prints will be exhibiting in San Francisco, California at Treasure Fest located on beautiful Treasure Island! November 23-24, 2019 daily. Shop for authentic historic gifts, original antique lithographs and hand colored engravings from collections like you have never seen before!
Shop for Christmas at the Alameda Antiques Faire, California, December 1st 2019
Shop Anne Hall Antique Prints and Kathleen Manning’s Prints Old and Rare at the World Famous Alameda Antiques Fair December 1st 2019. 6am-3pm. Call Anne 413-245-4197 to find our booth location! Find Authentic & Original, Historic Antique Lithographs and Hand Colored Engravings in person.
Top Antiques Show Close to New York City in Morristown, New Jersey. November 9 & 10, 2019.
Visit a top Antiques Show Close to New York City in Morristown, New Jersey November 9 & 10, 2019. Held at the Morristown Armory, antiques dealers come from all over America. Shop for antiques at the best show in the region, only held twice a year. This is a Barn Star Production. Morristown is the home of the famous American cartoonist Thomas Nast with the great collection of his work at Mucculloch Hall Historical Museum.
Sorry you missed us October 12-13, 2019 Rhinebeck, New York!
Attend Barn Star’s Fall Antiques at Rhinebeck, NY October 12-13, 2019. Experience the largest Antiques Show in the Region in the lovely historic town of Rhinebeck. Featuring 125 fine American antiques exhibitors. Including me, Anne Hall. I will bring my exquisite collection of Antique Prints. Held at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds. Sat 10-5; Sun 11-4. This is a Barn Star Production.
Experience antique shows and other events: Vermont for Antiques Week
Enjoy leaf peeping on your way to this top 10 event held each October in beautiful Weston, Vermont (about the area). The Weston Antiques Show is a benefit for historic preservation. Held in the famous Weston Playhouse on an iconic New England Town Common. 30 Superb dealers from multiple states. Find me, on the stage! The Preview Party is Thursday 5-7; 10-5 Fri & Sat.
Brimfield Happens Every September
Brimfield Shelton Antiques Show Experience a variety of trash to treasure at one of the most diversified fields at the Brimfield Antique Shows! Set your decor apart by finding the most amazing antique lithographs and hand colored engravings on the planet. Open daily from 7am-5pm on Tuesday thru Saturday, and 7-2 or 3 on Sunday. Find me in Booth F-22, (in front of the house, look for the “Antique Prints” Sign) at Shelton Antique Shows. There are 20 Fields but ours is one of the best! Park on our Field or at the Church. Google Map.
August Falmouth, MA Historical Society Antiques Show
Find great antiques to shop for while you are visiting Cape Cod this August. Find amazing hand colored engravings at the Falmouth Historical Society Antiques Show. Palmer Ave. Saturday, 1 day only, 10-4pm. This is a Goosefare Antiques Show Promotion.
Mid August Osterville Museum Antiques Show, MA., Cape Cod
Every August Kennebunk, Maine Antiques Show
Come to Southern Maine and experience antiques shows and other events at the Kennebunk Antique Show and Sale. Held at the Middle School of the Kennebunks. This is a Goosefare Antiques & Promotions Antiques Show. And a benefit for the Kennebunk Animal Welfare Society! Woof!
Tiverton Rhode Island
Tiverton, RI Annual July 4th Antiques Show 2019
Other Antique Shows and Other Events We Have Done
Wells, Maine
Annual June Antiques Show in Wells, Maine
Antique Show Wells Reserve at Laudholm Farm next to the World Famous Mainer Diner
Please stop in and see great unique selection of old lithographs and engravings at this A Goosefare Antiques Show & Sale
The Newport Flower Show at Rosecliff Mansion!
Sorry you missed us in Orleans on Cape Cod, MA….
CCADA Cape Cod Antique Dealers Association Falmouth, MA.
Falmouth, Ma. Held at the Cape Cod Fairgrounds in Falmouth. See Anne Hall with her beautiful collection of antique prints. A Cape Cod Antique Dealer’s Association Show. CCADA
Antiques at Rhinebeck, NY Annual Spring Show
Antiques at Rhinebeck, NY Spring Show May 25-26, 2019. See Anne Hall’s amazing collection at Barn Star’s Antiques at Rhinebeck, New York!
Oakmont Antique Show (Pittsburgh, PA) Every March
Annual Antiques Show held every March near Pittsburgh at the world famous Oakmont Country Club, home of the PGA. This is an annual benefit for Kerr Memorial Museum : Oakmont Antiques Show.
Annually, Late February, Hartford, CT Connecticut Flower & Garden Show
Spring is in the air with the Ct Flower & Garden Show
Get ready for Spring at the Vermont Flower Show!
Sorry you missed me in Williamsburg, Virginia and one of the finest Antiques Shows in America! Shop and learn from leading dealers and Ken Farmer
Osterville Historical Museum Antiques Show on Beautiful Cape Cod, MA
Cape Cod Antique Dealers Association Shows

March 28-29, 2020.
Find Anne Hall Antique Prints Here!

Oakmont Country Club, Oakmont, PA

We vacation at NJ Audubon’s Cape May Fall Festivals

You can learn all about birds with an array of birding events at the height of the bird migration with us and New Jersey Audubon | ( There will be many expert led walks and talks. Anne & Mark will be attending several of them. Cape May Bird Observatory | New Jersey Audubon (