Orchid Prints by Van Houtteano & Linden published in 19th century botany subscriptions. These antique lithographs of orchids were featured in gardening magazines during the 1800’s. Louis Van Houtteano’s periodical publication entitled Flore des Serres (1845-1888), and competitors Jean Linden’s periodical entitled L’Illustration Horticole (1869-1896).
Orchids Prints: Louis Van Houtteano – Flora des Serres 1845-1888
These are lovely old hand finished color lithographs were published in Belgium from 1845-1896. It is said that Van Houtte had the largest nursery on the continent. Louis Van Houtteano opened his own lithography firm in order to produce images of what was for sale. His revered gardening catalogues are entitled Flora des Serres. Each of the orchid prints measures @ 9 1/2 x 13″ Click here to contact us.
Orchid Prints by Jean Linden-Orchis Hunter L’Illustration Horticole.
These antique lithographs of orchids are 19th century botanical prints. L’Illustration Horticole was published in Belgium from 1869-1896. Here, a collection of orchids which are double sized and many have issue folds. Please inspect the images with care. Each hand finished color lithograph is in very good condition and has bright color. Each old orchid print measures @ 9 1/2 x 13″ and will frame up beautifully to 16×20″.
I have additional orchid prints by Van Houtte & Linden. If you would like to discuss your project or see additional images, please email or just dial us at 413-245-4197.
Some history about printing:
The history of printing is a fascinating subject, especially when it came to orchid prints. Western Europe was unfamiliar with the tropical species that were being discovered in tropical and exotic places. Thus producing images and documentary encyclopedias of Orchis required hiring and employing large numbers of highly trained craftsmen and apprentices.
People had life long trades of professional crafts centuries ago. Paper making was a career. Antique printing methods include copper plate engraving, steel plate engraving, wood engravings. Lithographs and chromolithographs. Illumination was added by hand using water colors, and by printing in colors with limestone plates. That doesn’t even take into account obtaining or creating the illustrations, producing the documentation and text.
See All Available Orchids
More Linden Antique Lithographs of Orchids!
See Warner Water Colored Orchids!
Phone: 413-245-4197 Email: anne@annehallantiqueprints.com