Browse our antique prints of turtles frogs, amphibians reptiles. Why not use decorative antique prints of Herpetology subjects in your project. We sell exclusively: antique lithographs and hand-colored engravings, which are over 100 years old.

Turtles-Frogs German Antique Lithographs from 1865-1885
Because each and every color was applied with an individual key stone lime stone plate, the images of turtles-frogs, practically leap off the page. Issued with folds each piece measures 12 1/2 x 16 1/2″. The pair of turtles-frogs are sold as a pair for $350., shipped in America. Call 413-245-4197 to place your order of these beautiful amphibians reptiles.

Framed Pair of Turtle Frogs by the Father of American Lithography
This beautifully framed pair of chromolithographs were published in New York in 1885 by the Father of American Chromolithography, Louis Prang. They have been framed in a fancy cut, double rag mat, and framed properly, under UV glass. The dark wood molding is weathered with distressing. Each piece measures 13×16.” Sold as a pair $450. shipped in America. Call 413-245-4197 to place your order.
Framed Antique Frog Engravings of Life Cycle & Metamorphosis
A pair of French hand colored copper plate engravings dating from 1749-1780 showing the stages of metamorphosis of frogs. For people interested in Herpetology, the delightful 18th Century engravings are comprised of different frogs, shown in collages. Each piece has been framed in archival double rag matting and under UV Glass. Measurements 14×18.” The pair is priced at $450. shipped insured within America. Ready to hang!

Turtles Frogs Amphibians Reptiles by Albertus Seba 1736 – 1763
Albertus Seba’s Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, et iconibus artificiosissimis expressio, per universam physices historiam. The work was published in Amsterdam by Janssonio-Waesbergios, & J. Wetstenium, & Gul. Smith between 1734 and 1765. Turtles-frogs and other amphibians reptiles were all part of this important documentary work. Each herpetology print is full folio size and measures 12 x 17 1/2. ” The watercolors are bright and strong. Email anne@annehallantiqueprints or call 413-245-4197 to place your order.

Frogs: US Pacific Rail Road & Mexican Boundary Surveys 1848-1855
These hand colored lithographs are North American species of frogs. Produced by the US Pacific Rail Road and the Mexican Boundary Survey. Each antique herpetology lithograph dates from 1848 to 1855. The surveying of the land included documentation and scientific illustrations of the flora and fauna found along the proposed routes of railroads going West. Each old lithograph measures 8 1/2 x 11″. Priced at $400. for the set of six decorative antique prints, shipped in America. Call 413-245-4197 to place your order.

Turtles Frogs by Wilhelm, 1810-1821. Tiny antique engravings of amphibians reptiles
Small antique prints of turtles frogs. Water colored copper plate engravings published Vienna, Austria by Gottliem Wilhelm 1810-1821. Tiny and unusual illustrations, each piece measures a mere 4 x 6 1/2.” A long time ago, someone attached to the prints to a heavy board. Possibly used as some type of flash card for teaching purposes. This set is sold.

Pictorial illustrations were commonly used as book plates in the 1800’s
Books covered a variety of natural history subjects including those on Turtles-Frogs, Snakes and Lizards. Curiosity was big and authors and publishers rushed to fulfill the demand. Everything on this page is vintage. Our collection of antique turtles-frogs & other Herpetology prints, date from the mid 18th Century to about 1900. I have some earlier ones which date to the mid 1600’s.
We have a unique selection of antique amphibians-reptiles prints for sale
If you don’t see what you are interested in, please call us, because we like our customers to be pleased with their experience with us. Found here is part of the collection of these wonderful & fascinating critters! They have been frequently misunderstood. Whereas they should be used as a health indicator of the ecosystem.
The biodiversity of our planet amazed 18th & 19th Century naturalists. Their documentation of turtles frogs & snakes, fascinated everyone that could afford to buy these elaborate and expensive illustrated books such as doctors, clergy, royalty, wealthy merchants etc. It was individuals like these, that funded these kinds of great natural history works.
On this page at Anne Hall Antique Prints we sell only originals. Our old engravings & antique lithographs of turtles-frogs, amphibians reptiles all published prior to 1900. Some date back to the early 18th Century. Whether you are creating your own unique décor for a child’s room, complementing your home décor on a wetlands or are collecting images of species you study, we have the amphibians and reptiles you are looking for!
All of the Turtles-Frogs and Amphibians-Reptiles on this webpage are available for purchase. Just place a phone call to Anne at 413-245-4197 and she will help you find the right antique prints. We specialize in antique decorative illustrations from the 18th and 19th Centuries. Artists include Seba, Buffon, Wilhelm & Shubert. Buy from a trusted second generation American Antique Print Dealer. Phone Anne: 413-245-4197 | or email:
See Sea Shells at Anne Hall Antique Prints! See Unusual Sea Life!