Flora Botany

Flora botany flowers botanicals…  Have you been searching around for antique floral and botanical engravings and antique floral and botanical lithographs? At Anne Hall Antique Prints we can help you!

Flora Botany:  Flowers Botanicals. Buy Now!

Flora Antique Lithographs, Engravings Shop Now, 18th and 19th century illustrations.
Flora Antique Lithographs, Engravings Shop Now, 18th and 19th century illustrations.
Flora!  Antique Botany Prints:  Lithographs, Engravings, Shop Now!  Buy online!
At Anne Hall Antique Prints we sell original antique floral and botanical engravings and antique floral and botanical lithographs. They all published in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries! The selection is available to buy now online with  at Anne Hall Antique Prints.
It was a laborious craft for all those involved in producing antique flower prints. Hand colored engravings and antique lithographs of Flora Botany subjects. 
First one had to travel, find and identify a particular species to illustrate. Second the illustrations had were drawn, with the best accuracy. LATER, the image was transferred onto a copper plate and engraved or transferred to a limestone plate and lithographed.  
Even the paper was hard to get for these flowers botanicals.   The history of 17th, 18th & 19th Century printing methods is fascinating. A variety of old techniques were used to produce these antique floral and botanical engravings and antique floral and botanical lithographs from years ago.